Shimano Stradic Schematics with Bearing Locations

Shimano Stradic FI Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic 6000FI

Shimano Stradic FJ Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic 2500FJ
Shimano Stradic 3000FJ
Shimano Stradic 4000FJ
Shimano Stradic 5000FJ

Shimano Stradic FK Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic 1000HGFK
Shimano Stradic 2500HGFK
Shimano Stradic C3000HGFK
Shimano Stradic 4000XGFK
Shimano Stradic C5000XGFK

Shimano Stradic FL Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic 1000HGFL
Shimano Stradic 2500HGFL
Shimano Stradic C3000HGFL
Shimano Stradic 4000XGFL
Shimano Stradic C5000XGFL

Shimano Stradic FM Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic 1000HGFM
Shimano Stradic 2500HGFM
Shimano Stradic C3000XGFM
Shimano Stradic 4000XGFM
Shimano Stradic C5000XGFM

Shimano Stradic CI4+ FA Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic CI4+1000FA
Shimano Stradic CI4+2500FA
Shimano Stradic CI4+4000FA

Shimano Stradic CI4+ FB Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic CI4+1000FB
Shimano Stradic CI4+2500HGFB
Shimano Stradic CI4+C3000HGFB
Shimano Stradic CI4+4000XGFB

Shimano Stradic CI4 F Reels (older) Series Fishing Reel Schematics / Parts Diagram

Shimano Stradic CI4-1000F
Shimano Stradic CI4-2500F
Shimano Stradic CI4-3000F
Shimano Stradic CI4-4000F

This Page is Currently Under Construction, more Schematics will be added daily, please Contact Us if you would like us to add a specific reel that is not yet listed.