Cameron Johnson-Pfeiffer (Sponsored)

What is your Local Club?


When did you start competing?

Off road back in 2014 then onroad in 2016

What Classes do you currently compete in and any others you have competed in the past?

In the past both mod and stock 2wd and 4wd 1/10 buggy, 1/8 nitro, And now 21.5 touring car and tamiya truck

What cars do you currently run?

Yokomo Bd9 and tamiya tto1 truck

What do you consider to be your greatest Achievement?

Sitting in the top 10 drivers for the past two years of racing for my 21.5 class.. and just meeting new friends and helping people out at events and having fun

What do you hope to achieve in 2019?

I’m hoping to achieve a top 10 finish in all events I attend and help and support others that need help

Upcoming Events for 2019

ATS – brendale
QLD titles – Bundaberg
SA titles – Littlehampton
Nationals – Littlehampton

How long have you been using Plaig Bearings?

I’ve been using plaig bearings since back in my off road days going back about 4 years ago.. but in my touring car I’ve been using them the last 18 months.

Why do you use Plaig Bearings?

The quality is great never have any dramas and their the cheapest bearings with the highest quality and best performance on the market at the moment.